Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog Summary--BackRoads Information

Blog Summary--Backroads Information

This is the quarterly summary of previous blog postings.  I am going to split it into several logical sections so you can easily follow the multi-blog postings.  The links are active so all you need is to click on the link.

Personal.  These are those personal blog entries that are somewhat related to boondocking.  If your not interested in learning more about Vladimir just skip this section.

The Kindness of Locals

Destination: America

Swakane Wildfire

Swakane Fire Final Update

The Toughest Thing About Retirement

Backroads Information--More than you wanted to know about Government Agencies

A Short History of Boondocking

Go Ask Alice........

Rules.....Who Needs Stinking Rules!!!

How Long Can I Camp?

Forest Service Boondock Locations

Driving Backroads!

Maps...the tool for exploring backroads

Backroads Information--Cool Information

When is the Best Time to Visit a National Forest or Park?

Free Fishing Spots

Boondocking and Birding Trails

Waterfront Boondocks

The Art of Seeing in the Outdoors

Living on the Edge

What's in a Name?

 Backroads Information--Finding Boondock Sites...the Process.

How to Find Boondock Locations--Part One

How to Find Boondock Locations--Part Two

How to Find Boondock Locations--Part Three

Well, that takes care of another quarterly summary.  We will go back to our regular posting schedule.  If there are specific topics or areas that you are interested in finding more information.  Post a comment or e-mail me at 


  1. Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

  2. Awesome, that’s exactly what I was scanning for! You just spared me alot of searching around

  3. Thank you to sharing helpful information
